LIBRETTOSrecord 12 |
Was it a Thursday? Yes. Did you set out at night? Yes. With your friends? Yes. To roam? Yes. Did you drop them off an hour later? Yes. Did you then stop? Yes. At a petrol station? Yes. Did you go to the bathroom? Yes. Did you leave the car in the meantime? Yes. At the car wash? Yes. Did they praise it at the station? Yes. The car? Yes. Did a lot of people? Yes. How beautiful it was? Yes. Did you get in again? Yes. Did you set off? Yes. Were you checking the time? Yes. Were you late? Yes. Is that why? Is that why you were rushing? Yes, yes. Did you enter a residential area? Yes. But there was no one in front of you? No. Did you then step on it a little, did you step on it? Yes. On the gas? Yes, yes. Was there a lot of horsepower? Horsepower? Yes. Were you staring at its hood? The car’s hood? Yes. Didn’t you notice the central traffic island? No. Had you knocked it down by the time you noticed? Yes. The small sign? On the traffic island? Yes. Were you alarmed? Alarmed? Yes, yes. Did you swerve? Yes. To the right? Yes. Was the right shoulder higher? Yes. Did it start spinning then? Yes. The car, spinning, with you inside? Yes, yes. And then all of a sudden? Yes. You went numb? Yes. Did you then reach the first lamppost? Yes. That you knocked down? Yes. Did you then close your eyes? Yes. Did you recall your son? Yes, yes. Were you waiting? Waiting? Yes. For all of this to stop? Yes, yes. Was there dead silence? Yes. Were your ears ringing? Yes. Poles? Yes. Concrete fences? Yes, yes. And then everything stopped? Yes. And then you opened your eyes? Yes. Was there smoke and gas in the cabin? Yes. And for a moment? For a moment? Yes. Did you believe? Yes. Did you think you were already in heaven? Yes. Because of the dense white smoke? Yes. Did the air then clear out? Yes. Did you see the cars stop? Yes. Did you then want to get out? Yes. But you couldn’t open the door? No. Did you kick it open? Yes. And stepped out? Yes. Did you walk away? Yes. Away from the car? Yes. Were you afraid it would burst into flames? Yes. Didn’t you think even then? No. That a tragedy had happened? No. Were you looking for your cell phone? Yes. Did you leave it in the car? Yes. You didn’t dare to go back? No. Because of the knocked-down lamp post? Yes, yes. Were there sparks everywhere? Yes. Was that when you started trembling? Yes. Was that when you really got scared? Yes. Did you start going back? Yes. Was that when you saw? When you saw? Yes. What had happened? Yes. And then the police, the firemen, the ambulance? Yes, yes. Was there just a small bruise to be sewn up? Yes. Could you tell then? No. Were you aware then? No. Did you understand later? Did you understand? Yes. The possibility? |
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