LIBRETTOSrecord 8 |
Did this happen on your 35th birthday? Yes. On August 17? Yes. Had you been at someone’s wedding the night before? Yes. Do you remember whose? No. Was there a film? A video? Were you watching it at length? Yes, yes. A car serpentining through the hills? Yes, yes. Had you been partying all night? Yes. Did you get up the following noon? Yes. Relaxed? Relaxed? Yes, Yes. Did you set out? Yes. Did you pick up two hitchhikers along the way? Yes. Did you put the bags in the trunk? Yes. Did they get in and fasten, fasten their seatbelts? Yes. Did you start off with them? Yes. Did you drive fast? No, no. Your seatbelt wasn’t fastened yet, right? No. Did you want to chat? Yes. Did you offer them cigarettes? Yes. Did you keep turning your head? Yes, yes. Did you light one for yourself too? Yes. Were you inattentive? Were you inattentive? Yes. Were you holding the steering wheel with one hand? Yes. Did you veer onto the soft shoulder on the right? Yes. Did you swerve back abruptly, abruptly? Yes. Did the steering wheel give way too easily? Yes. Did it turn all the way? Yes, Yes. Did the car dash towards the cornfield? Yes. Were you frightened? No. Did you have time to get frightened? No. Did you drift off the road? Yes. Were you spinning? Spinning? Yes. Round the longitudinal axis of the car? Yes. At least twice? Yes. Do you remember that specifically? Yes, yes. Was there silence all the while? Was there silence? Yes. Do you remember the nice weather? Yes. And then nothing? No. Next thing you remember you were in the ambulance? Yes. Do you remember your feelings? No. Do you remember pain? Yes, yes. Were you told that you had flown out, flown out the windshield? Yes. The windshield? 15-20 meters? Yes. Did you land luckily? Yes. Were your passengers injured? No. Was the car totalled? Yes, yes. Could it have happened otherwise? |
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