LIBRETTOSrecord 9 |
Were you on holiday? Yes. With friends? Yes. Was it a messy period? Yes. Post-break-up mess? Yes, yes. Had you decided to get away? Yes. From the company? Yes. Alone? Yes. Rather alone? Yes, yes. Did you head home? Yes. Mostly hitchhiking? Yes. Did the journey take three days? Yes. With detours? Detours? Yes. Did you see beautiful places? Yes, yes. Was it hot? Very hot? Yes. On that day, too? Yes. Were you hitchhiking? Yes. Trying for long? Yes. At least 6-7 hours? Yes, yes. Without any hope? Yes. Was it unusual to hitchhike around those parts? Yes. Were they afraid of hitchhikers? Yes. Were the hitchhikers afraid? Yes. Did a car suddenly pull up? Yes. Was it a station wagon? Yes. Light grey? Yes. A typical local car? Yes. Do you remember? Yes, yes. The middle-aged balding man? Yes, yes. Who was driving the car? Yes. Who was apparently, apparently naked from the waist up? Yes. Because of the heat? Yes. Did he open the trunk by pressing a button? Yes. Did you walk to the back of the car? Yes. Did you throw your backpack inside? Yes. Were you happy? Happy? Yes, yes. Did you plunge onto the back seat? Yes. Were you on the way the next moment? Yes. Were you occupied by your arrival? Yes. The possibility of your arrival? Yes. Did you say hello? Did you say thanks? Yes, yes. Were you wiping your sweat? Yes. Were you very happy? Yes. That you were finally on the way? Yes. After that long wait? Yes, yes. Was waiting a part of the journey? Yes. Was it good to go on? Yes, yes. To be on the way? To proceed? Yes, yes. At a certain speed? Yes. Towards certain goals? Yes. Had some time passed? Yes. Before it became strange? Yes. The situation? Yes, yes. Did you notice? Did you notice? Yes. That not only his upper body was naked? Yes. That he was fully naked? Yes. That he was driving the car completely naked? Yes. Which would have been OK? Yes. Except that his right hand was not holding the wheel? Yes. Was he fumbling with his genitals? Yes. Was he fondling his limp little wiener with his right hand? Yes. Did it begin to dawn on you then? Yes, yes. What the story might be about? Yes. Did he start speaking after a few minutes? Yes. Did he suggest some pleasant pastime? Yes. On the side of the road? The side of the road? Yes. In the shade of an olive tree? Yes, yes. Didn’t you consider it a good idea? No. Did you have different ideas? Yes. About a journey? Yes. But were you in a dependent situation? Yes. In a dependent situation? Yes, yes. Did that bother you more than the nudity of the man? Yes. Was it better to be on the road then on the roadside? Yes, yes. Was it resolved then? Yes. The tacky situation? Yes. After a few threatening invitations on his part? Yes. Because you said no? Yes. Was that why you didn’t deserve the ride? Yes. Did you understand? Yes. Did he drop you off? Yes. Did he ditch you? Yes, yes. On the road? Yes. On the side of the road? Yes, yes. Did you stay alone beneath the olive trees? Yes. But you didn’t have to wait long? Yes. Were you picked up again? Yes. Were you on the way again? Yes, yes. Did you arrive? |
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