LIBRETTOSrecord 10 |
Did this happen three years ago? Yes. Had you had a sleepless night? Yes. Had you arrived after a long flight? Yes. Were you jetlagged? Yes. Did you still want to go? Yes. To fetch your children? Yes. Did you set out on a road trip? Yes. Did you feel exhausted? Yes. Was the motorway busy? Yes. Could you focus nevertheless? Yes, yes. Were you driving? Were you driving? Yes. At 130 km/h? Yes, yes. And then there were no car in sight? Yes. Did your cell phone ring? Yes. Was the headset still in your ear? Yes. From an earlier call? Yes, yes. And yet, for some reason, for some reason? Yes. Did you start searching your bag? Yes. Did you turn aside? Yes. Did the steering wheel also turn for some reason? Yes. And then you saw it, right? Yes. Saw that you were heading for the railing? Yes, yes. Was there nothing to do by then? No. Did the car start spinning, spinning? Yes. Outer lane railing? Yes. Inner lane railing? Yes. But didn’t you notice? No. Were you only aware of the inside of the car? Yes. Were you experiencing it? Yes. Were you aware that you were clasping the steering wheel? Yes, yes. Were you aware that the airbag had inflated? No. Did you feel the forces working on you? Yes. Were you in control? Were you in control? Yes, yes. Were you waiting for the car to stop? Yes. Did it stop? Yes. Upside down? Yes. Did you lose consciousness? No. Did you climb out? Yes. Fairly easily? Yes, yes. Did you look around? Yes. To see what was going on? What was going on? Yes, yes. Did a car pull up? Yes. Was there a doctor inside? Yes. By chance? By chance? Yes, yes. Did he examine you? Yes. Were there contusions? Yes. Could you walk nevertheless? Yes. With trembling legs? Yes. But were you oriented? Yes, yes. Did you talk to the police? Yes. Did an ambulance helicopter take you away? Yes. Did you have internal bleeding? Yes. Did you feel pain? No. Did they take you to the operating room right away? Yes. For life-saving surgery? Yes. Did they save you? Yes. Did the car save you? Yes. Did it save you? |
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